The Bible

The Bible


USA 1952-1958

Series (30') 25x20'/ 12x30'/ 1x60'
Edward Dew, Harold Schuster
Nelson Leigh, Richard Kiley, Jon Shepodd

OLD TESTAMENT (14 x 20') encompasses events and characters from the most prominent books of the Old Testament including Genesis, Exodus and Leviticus. The series chronicles the lives of Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Gideon and many more. The stories are full of love, hope and faith.

NEW TESTAMENT (12 x 30'): Follow Jesus from Mary's Immaculate Conception to his crucifixion and his glorious resurrection. This film tells the history of Jesus Christ in a faithful way as in the four Gospel according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

ACTS OF APOSTLES (9 x 20'): A special collection of films; dramatic episodes from the New Testament account of the development of the early Christian church.

POWER OF THE RESURRECTION, THE (1 x 60'): Christ's last days are seen through the eyes of Simon Peter. Peter has been imprisoned, along with other followers of Christ. He is remembering the passion, death and resurrection. A young boy, one of his cell mates, wants to learn about Christ and his teachings. Peter tells the young boy the story, beginning with Palm Sunday. As his narrative unfolds, the drama comes to vivid life. 


08 April 2022


Factual, History